Monday, February 23, 2009

Los Angeles Gins/Yans/Zhens Families Celebrate 2009!

It was another successful year! I want to thank everyone for their contribution to the fun, fun time everyone had. I believe we are reaching out to more families, those kids really enjoyed themselves.(Especially the Surprise from SPONGE BOB to the GIN FAMILY!) Each year we are reaching out to new families and it was great to connect with everyone. Dale and Rose did a great job in selling raffle tickets. The slide show for the opening of the GIN Ancestral Temple in Kaiping, Guangdong, China! was great, too! (Thanks Bill Gin!) Festivities began 6:45pm and finished the evening at 9pm! See you next year! 2010 Year of the Tiger!! Begins Chinese New Year begins February 14, 2010. Our banquet will be in March -- Details will be forth coming.
Bob Gin - English Secretary
Los Angeles Gin Association 2/23/2009

To our dear LA Cousins,
We had so much fun being with our "wild and never boring" cousins from LA. As usual, we returned home excited and "jazzed up" for next year's banquet.
Thanks, all for making us feel so welcome. We are so pleased that the raffle was such a hit and success - even if we didn't win the HDTV!
Hal and Rose Gin

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